top business and engineering school - easy
one of the best cinema schools in the world - да не проблема
nicest campus in US - so what?
nu da iaca: From the 1904 through the 2004 Olympic games, 375 *** athletes took home 112 gold medals (at least one gold at every summer Olympics since 1912); have been more *** in the Olympics than from any other university in the world; if *** were a nation, it would rank 11th in the world by gold medals; *** sent 35 athletes to the Athens in 2004 and won 17 medals (eight golds, five silvers and four bronzes);
stau si ma gandesc la Institutul de Educatie Fizica din MD cu intrebare "pentru ce Moldovei institutie separata pentru sport?"
Sa pominesc si despre ASE? Oricum pana la moment nu am inteles de ce ASE s-a detasat de USM? Fara mari balbaieli, imi explica cineva spin-off-ul asta din 1991? Chiar are nevoie MD de o infinitate de Economisti? ASE are 16 mii de studenti, deci produce circa 3-4 mii pe an. What a jump, de la cateva sute pe timpul sovieticilor la 16 mii pe timpul "kapitalistelor".
ps: numele primei univeristatii nu conteaza, dar nu-i Harvard nici MIT. Are circa 35 mii de students (inclusiv masteranzi si doctoranzi).
29 dec. 2009
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