8 mar. 2010

almost 100%

si amu sa-mi spuna cineva ca am pierdut timpul degeaba stand 4 ani pe Hollywood blvd (literally) ...

Asadar, and the Oscar went to ...
Check Mark. best picture: avatar or hurt locker
Check Mark. best actor: Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart)
Check Mark. best actress: Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side)
Check Mark. best supporting role, actor: Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Basterds)
Check Mark. best supporting role, actress: Mo'Nique (Precious)

Super misto ca Avatar nu a luat best picture, dar oricum tare pacat de Tarantino. Senzatie ca insusi Oscarul a fost mai bun decat precedentele. Noul format de prezentare a "best leading roles" a dat farmec.

update: Un mic fapt, de care nu stiam, dar cand l-am aflat inca mai tare m-am bucurat ca Avatar nu a ridicat Oscarul (da, asa eu is rau). James Cameron, supped on the special gall of losing Best Picture and Best Director to The Hurt Locker and his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow, respectively.Ei, dar pentru moldoveni cred ca cel mai important este ca s-a terminat epopeia Turculizion, care fara sapurare pentru ce-i din ambele tabere, dar deja arata un del de boratura de mana a doua.

ps: even more I love markets, financial ones.

2 comentarii:

  1. Holy Cow !

    Impressive :-)

  2. update: Un mic fapt, de care nu stiam, dar cand l-am aflat inca mai tare m-am bucurat ca Avatar nu a ridicat Oscarul. James Cameron, supped on the special gall of losing Best Picture and Best Director to The Hurt Locker and his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow, respectively.
