1 apr. 2010

Moldova bogata ... candva, undeva

dar la moment independenta The Economist spune:
FEW people have heard of Moldova—and when they have, it is usually for the wrong reasons. A frozen conflict with Russian-backed separatists in Transdniestria has hamstrung the country since 1992. A year ago a rigged election brought riots, followed by hundreds of arrests, scores of alleged beatings and rapes, and three deaths. The outrage led to a new election and the formation of a shaky pro-Western coalition government. Its youthful ministers are in sharp contrast to the greyness of the previous regime, nominally a Communist one but in fact crony-capitalist.

2 comentarii:

  1. ...mulţumesc lu' The Economist şi pentru atat :-)

  2. Da ce vreti voi de la Moldova?
    A inceput activitatea ca tara din '91, toti oamenii puff! 80-90% de la tara - care au inceput sa vina in orash shi sa inceapa totul de la 0!

    Inca oleaca shi va fi totul bine ;)
